a veterinarian and a vet tech caring for a cat
Black and White headshot of IndeVets Employee Megan
Words by:
Megan Kelley — Assistant Marketing Manager

Here at IndeVets, we call what we do “flexible staffing.” We’re a team of veterinarians who partner with local animal hospitals to solve staffing issues. Hospitals use IndeVets to help with maternity leaves and vacations, hiring delays, to test new or expanded hours  — or even as long-term, semi-permanent staffing.

If you’re thinking, “That sounds a lot like relief work…” — you’re right. At its core, flexible staffing solves many of the same issues as relief veterinarians. The difference is in how much easier it is to work with IndeVets – and how much better your quality of care and client experience can be. Flexible staffing is a more convenient and dependable solution, that requires less legwork for practice owners.

Here are some of the main areas of difference.


Anyone who’s used veterinary relief knows that this can be an inconsistent experience that involves calling or emailing relief vets you know (or asking for recommendations from colleagues)… then crossing your fingers that the docs are available. Moreover, not all relief vets are created equal – there are disparities in skill level, bedside manner, and hourly rate – which can have real effects on client interactions and in how smoothly your practice runs.

Flexible staffing, on the other hand, is all about consistency – both in the experience and the doctors themselves. Requesting a shift is the same every time: IndeVets’ proprietary system lets hospital managers post open shifts with a few clicks and allows our team of 80 doctors to view and book a shift just as easily. Our hourly rates are straight-forward.  And all of our doctors are extensively vetted and go through a series of clinical and personality checks to ensure we hire only the best & brightest. When you hire an IndeVet, you know you’re getting a kind and competent doctor every time.


The ease of posting shifts in our system – and reaching a whole team of doctors with the click of a mouse – is just a part of it. Using flexible staffing takes all the extra admin work out of your hands and puts it into ours. That means no complicated invoices, no 1099’s, no work-for-hire contracts, and no additional insurance costs. Once you’re set up in our system, all you have to do is post your shifts. We take care of the rest.

Medical Oversight

When you staff with IndeVets, our doctors are representing your hospital, and taking care of your clients. So we make sure we’re always maintaining high clinical standards. Our in-house medical team, led by Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marisa Brunetti, oversees each and every IndeVet. We shadow our doctors, review medical records, and work to keep them updated on new clinical research and standards.

Our dedication to medical oversight also means we’re taking extra care to make sure you, your staff, and your clients are following recommended safety protocols in the face of Covid-19. Dr. Brunetti developed IndeVets’ Covid protocols, including daily temperature checks for all our doctors, minimum required social distancing, AVMA minimum standards for operational protocols, and fully transparent communication protocols. To read the full protocol, click here.


There’s nothing worse than finally securing coverage… only to have to spend half the day filling in your relief vet on hospital procedures. IndeVets solves this problem by developing hospital profiles for each practice we work with. Our vets show up already familiar with your hospital procedures, workflows and staff. Plus we’ll send you a detailed clinical profile of your IndeVet ahead of time, so you can get to know them before they walk in the door.


Unlike relief vets, who are generally solo practitioners, IndeVets are a community. What does this mean? Our vets have a support system in place to help them keep up with new clinical research and trends and provide advice on tough cases. We find that when our doctors are supported, they’re happier, and better clinicians as a result.

In summary

While both veterinary relief and flexible staffing work to solve the same problem – coverage for your hospital – flexible staffing is built with consistency, convenience and quality at the fore.

To learn more about how flexible staffing can help your hospital, click here. Interested in partnering with us? Click here.

Kate Bracaglia is Senior Marketing Manager at IndeVets.

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Is it safe to use relief vets during Covid?

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