Test Your Vet Med Knowledge: Take Our Industry Quiz! – IndeVets
How well do you know vet med? We put together a quiz based on the AVMA’s latest State of the Profession report. Can you get 9 out of 9 questions right?
1. How many total veterinarians are in the workforce today?
a. 116,000
b. 124,000
c. 140,000
d. 155,000
2. What percentage of veterinarians are female?
a. 47%
b. 52%
c. 63%
d. 70%
3. Which generational cohort represents the highest share of veterinarians?
a. Baby Boomers
b. Gen X
c. Millennials
d. Gen Z
4. The average practice has 4.5 vet techs and 3 non-medical staff. How many full-time DVMs do they have?
a. 1.5
b. 2.0
c. 2.4
d. 3.2
5. What percentage of veterinarians completed an internship in 2019?
a. 20%
b. 24%
c. 29%
d. 35%
6. Veterinarian unemployment rates are low. How low, exactly?
a. 0.5%
b. 0.8%
c. 1.6%
d. 2.5%
7. Low unemployment rates mean there are more jobs than there are applicants. What percentage of job postings in 2019 received 0 applicants?
a. 23%
b. 41%
c. 52%
d. 66%
8. 12% of veterinarians report very high levels of burnout – measured as above 35 on the burnout scale. What are the primary causes of vet burnout?
a. Dissatisfaction with current employment
b. Feeling their education didn’t prepare them to be a veterinarian
c. Long hours worked
d. All of the above
9. In 2019, 20% of veterinarians switched jobs, and an additional 27% indicated a desire to switch jobs. What was the most common switch?
a. Move from private practice to another private practice
b. Move from private practice to public practice
c. Move from public practice to private practice
d. Move from public practice to another public practice
- a
- c
- c
- c
- b
- b
- d
- d
- a
Kate Bracaglia is Senior Marketing Manager for IndeVets.
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