IndeVets: Where Support, Values, Clinical Excellence and Variety Meet

As if moving a family with two kids and an anxiety-prone dog across the country wasn’t enough, I was faced with the big decision of finding a new job. Moving always comes with significant stressors, and this move was no different. I was balancing packing and working my current job as an associate vet while interviewing for jobs across the country. During this process, I wanted to be as picky as possible. I hoped to find a place that upheld specific values and improved upon shortcomings I’d experienced in the past. Spoiler alert, this led me to IndeVets.
My first impression of IndeVets came from a podcast I listened to while on a run. The host interviewed Associate IndeVets Drs. Michelle Clancy and Maritza Goller. One of them talked about how her relief career with IndeVets enabled her to embrace the stage of life she was in with her family and kids, all while enjoying her career to the fullest.
I was instantly intrigued – I was, after all, squeezing in a run on my day off while my daughters napped at home with the babysitter. It was a time in my life when I felt pressured to stay late at work and undervalued even with my best effort. I was on a hamster wheel, trying hard but never really “getting there.”
I wanted to grow in the career I’d always dreamt of but not sacrifice my well-being and the attention my own little girls needed.
They aligned with my values
From day one of my interview process, IndeVets impressed me with a high standard of medicine, an emphasis on kindness among veterinarians and hospitals, and an appreciation for me as a whole person.
The quality of medicine that IndeVets required among their hospitals and veterinarians was essential to me. There are many ways to skin (or medicate!) a cat, and I knew I wanted to be somewhere that offered pets the best chance of living long, happy lives.
This was also paired with their emphasis on understanding and flexibility for owners. Expensive veterinary bills often come during times of stress, when owners are worried about their pets and have limited funds. I wanted to work with like-minded people who weren’t judgmental of owners in difficult situations. This non-judgmental and empathetic approach was highlighted by IndeVets’ policy of “No Jerks.” This meant they sought out friendly and collaborative work environments in their partner hospitals. It also excited me to think of all the connections I could make with like-minded veterinarians, even if we weren’t working in the same hospital.
They offered the variety and adventure I craved
Chatting with like-minded veterinarians who did relief work made me excited about the flexibility and opportunities relief work provides. I love variety in my daily life. The variety of veterinary medicine, from surgery and vaccine appointments to emergencies and unique species, is one of the things I love about it. Yet I married someone who loves consistency and hates change! Relief work with IndeVets would fit perfectly with my desire for adventure and new experiences while having a consistent paycheck and benefits. I briefly looked into doing my own relief work, but I quickly realized I didn’t want the headache and paperwork that comes with that. IndeVets provided the adventure of relief work without the stress of contacting hospitals and figuring out benefits and taxes, to name a few.
As I reviewed all my options, I was most of all astounded at how supportive the IndeVets community was of me as a person.
Instead of feeling pressured to join them, I received words of support to find what was best for me. They hoped it was with IndeVets, but the people-pleaser in me didn’t feel pressured to pick them out of the many options out there. This support continued once I decided to be an IndeVet. I had meetings to help me understand my transition and to familiarize myself with IndeVets’ way of doing things. As I went through the onboarding process, I knew I’d made the right choice.
Instead of feeling guilty for taking time off, I got to be excited about planning for a dear friend’s wedding. Instead of being undervalued, I enjoyed connecting with new hospitals and supporting them with their needs. Instead of my family being perceived as a burden, they celebrated my family with me. I got to work an emergency shift for the adrenaline rush I love, yet also have a long weekend for family time.
IndeVets came at the perfect time. Ultimately, I needed a new adventure, and I can’t wait to see where IndeVets will take me and my career.