Hear our IndeVets on VETGirl!

Here at IndeVets, it is no secret that we’re big fans of VETGirl: from listening to podcasts during our daily commutes to checking out in-person seshes at VETGirl U. In fact, all IndeVets get a discount on their VETGirl membership (one of our many perks!).

This year, we’re thrilled that several of our doctors were guests on VETGirl Veterinary Continuing Education Podcasts. Read on for details, and how you can listen.
Getting some relief in veterinary medicine with Drs. Marisa Brunetti and Andrew Heller
In our very first collaborative episode, IndeVets Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Marisa Brunetti, Chief Medical Officer, and IndeVets co-founder/IndeVet #1, Dr. Andrew Heller, chat with Dr. Justine Lee about relief work today, and how sometimes making the switch to relief can provide greater work-life balance and schedule control.
Find out why so many veterinarians are interested in relief work now, and how relief work may change the veterinary industry!
How to hire vets and how to find the job that’s right for you with Drs. Andrew Heller and Samantha Cantor
Dr. Heller and Dr. Cantor have been practicing as IndeVets since 2018. They’ve also interviewed a ton of doctors who are interested in joining our team, and have picked up a few things along the way.
In this episode, they chat with Dr. Lee about hiring veterinarians and how to identify red flags when interviewing. What are some green flags when hiring?
Tips to work more efficiently with Dr. Marisa Brunetti & Dr. Maria Botinas
Dr. Brunetti joins Area Medical Director Dr. Maria Botinas to provide practical tips for veterinarians who may be struggling with burnout due to long hours and appointment overload.
They discuss 4 solutions for prioritizing your day while also making sure all medical records are completely accurately and thoroughly.
How being a vet makes you a better parent, and how being a parent makes you a better vet with Dr. Michelle Clancy and Dr. Maritza Goller
IndeVets and mothers Dr. Michelle Clancy and Dr. Maritza Goller join Dr. Lee for a frank conversation about parenthood in vet med, how to balance having two “full-time” jobs (doctor + mom) and how working with a supportive community of other vet parents helps them to maintain balance.