Dr. Marisa Brunetti and Dr. Andrew Heller
Radical vet support. Radically overdue.
Director of Clinical Excellence, Casey Robinson, DVM
Changing my reality: Replacing stress with support to create the vet med career I wanted

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DVM and Mom
DVM and Mom: Allowing both not only to coexist but to flourish
Vets and cat in exam room
Burnout made me quit vet med, IndeVets brought me back
Vet with puppy
The Way We Treat Veterinary Professionals Must Change
Photo of associate IndeVet holding a dog in the exam room
IndeVets: Where Support, Values, Clinical Excellence and Variety Meet
vet with a dog
What it’s like being an Flexible Associate Vet
Photo of IndeVets employee Maritza holding a dog and her child
How I balance vet life and mom life