Introducing Long-Term Placements from IndeVets
Lock in one of our IndeVets for 13 weeks at a time. Simple as that!
Because we are committed to helping our partner hospitals tackle the daily challenge of keeping their clinics humming, we’ve added another way to work with our top-rated veterinarians. We call it the LTP (Long-Term Placement). An IndeVets LTP is a 13-week commitment by a specific IndeVet to your clinic for at least one shift day per week.
Our LTPs provide you with consistent, repeated coverage with the same Associate IndeVet for a prolonged timeframe allowing you to rest easy when planning your clinic schedules. And there’s no limit to the number of LTPs you can have!
Love ’em? Lock ’em in.
Have an IndeVet (or two) you love and want to ensure they keep coming back on a regular basis? Simply email your Strategic Support Manager (SSM) and provide the basics including:
- Clinic name
- Preferred day of week, type of shift, and number of hours
- And of course, the name of the IndeVet you are requesting
One of our awesome Hospital Success team members will work with you and the partner hospital on the terms of your LTP. Once you and the partner hospital agree, one of our Scheduling Team members will create the shifts and assign you to them. You will receive a confirmation email when this is complete!
Revenue you can bank on
Appointments backlogged? Adding clients to a waitlist? We got you covered. Adding an IndeVet LTP just once a week can bring about $47,000 in additional revenue per quarter! Imagine what two or three shifts per week could generate!
Reduce the burnout. Retain your team.
Imagine (happily) telling your vets they can take a day off. The IndeVet LTP can help your team plan for time out of clinic, catch up on CE or attend that school play they always miss. Research shows preventing doctor burnout will save your clinic an average of $17,000-25,000* a year.
Top notch care without all the overhead
An IndeVet LTP allows you to add another doctor to your practice without having to pay benefits, commission/pro-sal, licenses, professional insurance, worker’s compensation, and taxes. It also removes the clinical and operation management as each of our doctors is overseen by another veterinarian.
LTP shifts are charged at your promoted rate. This is your base hourly rate plus twenty percent. If an IndeVet can’t work an assigned shift, you’ll get the next shift for 50% off!
Frequently Asked Questions
LTP stands for Long-Term Placement, and it is a new shift type that involves a 13-week commitment to a hospital for at least one shift per week by a specific IndeVet.
Both Associate IndeVets and partner hospitals can commit to multiple LTP situations. If you have an LTP in place with one IndeVet you can set that up for more than one day by reaching out to your SSM first or add another IndeVet for a second LTP.
LTPs are assigned to the same day of the week for the 13-week period. This program is designed to have some flexibility for holidays and pre-scheduled PTO for our vets. If for some reason your IndeVet cannot work one of the consistent days inside of the 13-week period, they will offer another day during that same week as a replacement shift, or we can add a day to the end of the LTP to complete the 13 shifts.
We offer GP exams, ER, Surgery and Dentistry shifts.
We will be checking in about halfway through the LTP to see if you and the IndeVet want to continue the placement. If you both agree, there’s no limit to how many times an LTP can be renewed.
The LTP shifts are charged at your promoted rate. This is your base hourly rate plus twenty percent. If an IndeVet can’t work an assigned shift, you’ll get the next shift for 50% off!
The non-solicitation section in your contract with IndeVets applies to LTP as well. Do not solicit an IndeVet with interest in hiring an IndeVet full time. Please reach out to your Strategic Support Manager to discuss your options and next steps for a permanent hire.
If you wish to cancel the remainder of an LTP:
- The issue requires coaching first before cancellation.
- If no progress can be made, you may cancel the remainder of the LTP shifts without penalty.
If you wish to cancel a specific shift:
- You are responsible for paying for the shift even if it is over 30 days.
If an IndeVet cancels the remainder of an LTP:
- The issue requires coaching first between the IndeVet and your hospital before cancellation.
- If no progress can be made, the IndeVet can cancel the remainder of the LTP.
- You may attempt to find another IndeVet to complete the LTP.
- You are given your next IndeVets shift at a 50% discount.
If an IndeVet cancels a specific shift:
- You will receive your next LTP shift at a 50% discount.
- Our team will work on finding a replacement IndeVet for the shift.
Get in touch to get started
Have a favorite IndeVet that could be a perfect LTP for you? Interested in locking in some shifts for an extended period of time? Reach out to your IndeVets HDR or request an LTP in your hospital manager dashboard.